Exhibitor Information

Exhibiting at the KSTA Annual Conference is the most effective way of communicating with the science education community in Kentucky! All vendors will be prominently displayed on our conference website and virtual program.  You can also choose to add-on to your registration and have your company logo displayed and linked to your website products/services from our Featured Vendors page until November 2025. 


Platinum Level Sponsor 

Gold Level Sponsor 

Silver Level Sponsor

Bronze Level Sponsor

(Reserved for Non-Profit Organizations)



+ meal sponsorship cost




One Premium Exhibitor Table Placement in the Exhibit Hall

Two Guaranteed Premium Time Selection 75-minute Presentation Sessions 


One Guaranteed Premium Time Selection 75-minute Presentation Session



One free personnel registration ($150 value)

Personnel refreshments and lunches throughout the conference 

Social Media Recognition on Facebook and X platforms

Logo and Live Link Recognition on the KSTA Webpage

Premium Signage at Sponsored Meal


Reserved whole-group speaking time at Sponsored Meal


Printed media materials to be included in participant bags


Dedicated Announcement in Pre-Conference Email Blast


Can submit a session proposal to be selected by proposal review committee

Deadline for session proposals is July 31, 2024.

Payment deadline is October 15, 2024


1. Complete the Exhibitor Agreement

Complete this before registering. You will need to upload the completed agreement during registration. 

2. Register as an Exhibitor
This secures the exhibit space. Registration deadline is August 15, 2024.

3. Register Exhibit Personnel
All exhibit personnel attending the conference must register. After completing Step 2, you will receive a code for one free conference registration with instructions in your confirmation email. You must complete registration as an attendee for your one free spot (even if this is the same person that registered for the exhibit space). Any additional personnel (beyond the free spot) assisting with your exhibit and/or presenting sessions on behalf of your exhibit must register for the conference at the reduced conference price of $150 each.

4. Complete the Conference Session Proposal Form
If you/your company will present a conference session, complete a separate form for each unique session (requires a Google account for login). The deadline to submit a session proposal for conference time slot(s) included with exhibit space is August 15, 2024. After this deadline, exhibitors are not guaranteed a conference time slot unless one becomes available.

Advertise in the program and on our website through 2025!

Maximize your exposure! Reach our members while showing your support for science education by including your advertisement on our conference website and app, at conference registration (printed and digitally), and throughout the conference in general sessions (digitally) . We will host your information until November 2025 on a special advertisement page available to conference attendees and any visitor to the KSTA website!

  • $100
  • Includes an advertisement graphic and a link to your products and/or services
  • Displayed on our website until November 2025

Conference Vendors: You can add this option during registration.

Looking to purchase ad space only?

For questions regarding vendors at the conference, please contact:
Kim Zeidler-Watters, Executive Director

Our Partners and Sponsors


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The Kentucky Science Teachers Association is an affiliated chapter of the National Science Teaching Association
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 23918, Lexington, KY 40523
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